Psychiatry & Psychotherapy Podcast Series

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CME Log-in Instructions

Part 1: Self-Assessment CME (For Psychiatrists)

These Self-Assessment CME quizzes were approved by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology so that up to 24 Category 1 CME credits you earn while listening and completing quizzes in “Part-2” below can be used as “Self-Assessment CME” for each self-assessment quiz completed. See here for more details on how this works. Our CME offers a total of 258.25 CME (as of 1/30/2025) of which 24 units per self-assessment quiz can be used for self-assessment CME if you do the one time 25 question quiz.

Please note, after taking it, you will be sent an email in 2 minutes with your detailed results with an explanation of each question.

If you have any issues, please email me at

Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Podcast Self-Assessment #1

Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Podcast Self-Assesment #2


Part 2: Category 1 CME


Medical professionals and professional therapists teamed up to create a series of podcast episodes and articles summarizing research and practical experience about psychiatry and psychotherapy. 

These episodes can be found on all the podcasts, and on the websites linked below:

Link to show on: iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, Overcast, PlayerFM, PodBean, TuneIn, Podtail, Blubrry, Podfanatic

Target Audience

This activity was developed for mental health professionals and those who work with patients with mental illness including: MD, NP, PA, OT, RN, PsyD, MFT, and social workers.


●      Review evidence-based medicine surrounding psychiatry and psychotherapy topics

●      Learn about the mind/body connection

●      Improve interpersonal connectedness or therapeutic alliance with patients

●      Learn practical psychotherapy techniques

●      Reduce stigma both for patients and providers seeking treatment

Accreditation Statement

This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of the University of California, Irvine School of Medicine and Emotion Connection LLC. The University of California, Irvine School of Medicine is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

Designation Statement

The University of California, Irvine School of Medicine, designates this enduring material for a maximum of 1 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ per hour. Participants should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their engagement in the activity.

California Assembly Bill 1195 and 241

This activity is in compliance with California Assembly Bill 1195 and 241, which require CME activities with patient care components to include curriculum in the subjects of cultural and linguistic competency & implicit bias. It is the intent of AB 1195 and AB 241 to encourage physicians and surgeons, CME providers in the State of California, and the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to meet the cultural and linguistic concerns of a diverse patient population and reduce health disparities through appropriate professional development. Please see the CME website,, for AB 1195 and AB 241 resources.

Faculty List

Below in the episode selection is a list of presenters.  Click here for a full list of reviewers, content direction team, presenters, and collaborators. 

UCI OCME requires that the content of CME activities and related materials provide balance, independence, objectivity, and scientific rigor. Planning must be free of the influence or control of an ineligible company, and promote improvements or quality in healthcare. It is the policy of the UCI Office of Continuing Medical Education to insure balance, independence, objectivity, and scientific rigor in all its educational activities. All faculty and planners participating in UCI accredited CME programs are required to disclose to the activity participants any real or apparent conflict(s) of interest. This pertains to relationships with pharmaceutical companies, biomedical device manufacturers, or other corporations that may be considered ineligible companies. The intent of this policy is identifying potential conflicts of interest so participants can form their own judgments with full disclosure of the facts. It remains for the participants to determine whether the speaker’s outside interests reflect a possible bias in either the exposition or the conclusions presented.

This activity’s director(s), speakers, planners, peer reviewer, authors, coordinators and moderators have no financial relationships to disclose, except the for those specified in the link above.

Conflict of Interest Episodes Include:

  • 059: Which Foods are Good for Mental Health?

  • 103: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy with Dr. Steven Hayes

  • 105: Vulnerability and Imposter Syndrome with David Burns

  • 127: Using Antipsychotic Plasma Levels- Therapeutic Threshold

  • 132: Practical Psychopharmacology with Dr. Goldberg

  • 135: From Survive to Thrive with Margaret Chisolm, M.D.

  • 136: Turn Autism Around with Dr. Mary Lynch Barbera

  • 137: Ketamine Update with Brandon Kitay, M.D.

  • 141: Psychopharmacology Mediators

  • 147: PANS & PANDAS

  • 156: What Causes Mass Shooting In America?

  • 174: “Serotonin Toxicity”, Otherwise known as Serotonin Syndrome

  • 190: Schizophrenia Treatment: Clozapine, LAIs, Technology and Equity with John Kane, MD and Lauren Hanna, MD

  • 191: Body Dysmorphic Disorder: A Guide for Therapists and Mental Health Professionals with Dr. Katharine Phillips

  • 212: Bruce D Perry, MD, PhD on the Healing Power of Human Connection and Resilience in Trauma

  • 230: Exercise Compared to Medications or Therapy for Depression

The views and opinions expressed in this activity are those of the faculty and do not necessarily reflect the views of the University of California, Irvine School of Medicine and Emotion Connection LLC.

001: The Basics of the Psychiatric Interview Part 1: mp3, quiz (1.0 CME units)

002: Cognitive Distortions and Practicing Truth mp3/article, journal, quiz (0.5 CME units)

003: Psychopathy with Michael A. Cummings M.D.: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

004: Inpatient Child and Adolescent Suicidality, “Culture of death”, “13 Reasons Why” with Dr. Britt: mp3/article, quiz (0.75 CME units)

005: A Journey Learning Psychotherapy, with Randy Stinnett, Psy.D: mp3/article, quiz (0.5 CME units)

006: Sensorium: Total Brain Function Optimization Part 1: mp3/article, quiz (0.75 CME units)

007: Physicians Receiving Treatment, with Dr. Trenkle: mp3, quiz (0.75 CME units)

008: Schizophrenia with Dr. Cummings: Controversies, Brain Science, Crime, History, Exercise, Successful Treatment: mp3/notes, quiz (1.0 CME units)

009: Diet on Cognitive Function, Brain Optimization, Sensorium Part 2: mp3, quiz (0.5 CME units)

010: Exercise as a Prescription for Depression, Anxiety, Chronic Stress (like Diabetes) and Sensorium: mp3, quiz (0.5 CME units)

011: Sensorium: Medications, Drugs (THC, Alcohol), Medical Issues, Sleep, and Free Will: mp3, quiz (0.75 CME units)

012: Performance Enhancement with Dr. MaryEllen Eller: mp3/article, quiz (0.75 CME units)

013: Postpartum Depression with Dr. Pereau: mp3/article, quiz (0.75 CME units)

014: Do Hormonal Contraceptives Cause Depression?  How Do Estrogen and Progesterone Influence Behavior: mp3/article, quiz (0.5 CME units)

015: Microexpressions to Make Microconnections Part 1, mp3/article, quiz (1.25 CME units)

016: Microexpressions: Fear, Surprise, Disgust, Empathy, and Creating Connection Part 2: mp3/article, quiz (0.75 CME units)

017: Using Microexpressions in Psychotherapy: mp3/article, quiz (0.75 CME units)

018: Prescribing Strength Training for Depression: mp3/article, quiz (0.75 CME units)

019: How Psychiatric Medications Work with Dr. Cummings, mp3/article, quiz (0.75 CME units)

020: The History and Use of Antipsychotics with Dr. Cummings: mp3/article, quiz (0.75 CME units)

021: Dealing with Emotional Detachment: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

022: The Psychology of Procrastination: mp3/article, quiz (0.75 CME units)

023: Fight, Flight, or Shut Down. Understanding Polyvagal Theory: mp3/article, quiz (1.75 CME units)

024: The History, Mechanism and Use of Antidepressants: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

025: The History and Nuances of Bipolar Illness: mp3/article, quiz (0.75 CME units)

026: Setting Boundaries in Relationships: mp3/article, quiz (0.75 CME units)

027: How to Treat Emotional Trauma: mp3/article, quiz (1.25 CME units)

028: Therapeutic Alliance Part 1: mp3/article, quiz (0.75 CME units)

029: What is Psychodynamic Theory with Allison Maxwell-Johnson: mp3/article, quiz (0.75 CME units)

030: Ketamine and Psychedelics with Dr. Michael Cummings: mp3/article, quiz (0.75 CME units)

031: Psychiatric Approach to Delirium with Dr. Timothy Lee, mp3/article, quiz (0.75 CME units)

032: Therapeutic Alliance Part 2: Meaning and Viktor Frankl’s logotherapy: mp3/article, quiz (0.75 CME units)

033: Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorder with Kelly Rivinius: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

034: Understanding Placebo with Mark Ard, M.D.: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

035: ADHD: Diagnosis, Symptoms & Treatment: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

036: How Empathy Works and How To Improve It: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

037: How to Treat Violent and Aggressive Patients: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

038: The Dark Triad (Psychopathy, Narcissism, Machiavellianism), sexually violent predators, Ted Bundy, and Porn: mp3/article, extra blog, quiz (1.75 CME units)

039: Depression and Anxiety in Geriatric Patients: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

040: Reducing Inpatient Violence in a Psychiatric Hospital: mp3/article, quiz (1.5 CME units)

041: What is Transference and Countertransference? Session 4 of Therapeutic Alliance: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

042: The Science Behind Forgiveness and How it Affects Our Mental Health: mp3/article, quiz (0.75 CME units)

043: How to Help Patients with Sexual Abuse: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

045: Schizophrenia in Film and History: mp3/article, quiz (0.75 CME units)

046: Do I have Schizophrenia: mp3/article, quiz (0.5 CME units)

047: Schizophrenia Differential Diagnosis & DSM5: mp3/article, quiz (0.5 CME units)

048: The Unspeakable Mind: Stories of Trauma and Healing from the Frontline of PTSD Science with Dr. Shaili Jain: mp3/article, quiz (0.75 CME units)

049: Clozapine for Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia: mp3/article, extra constipation handout, side effect handout, quiz (1.0 CME units)

050: The Process of Grief with Maris Loeffler, LMFT: mp3/article, quiz (0.5 CME units)

051: An Inside Look At Eating Disorders: Anorexia, Bulimia, & Orthorexia: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

052: An Introduction to Psychodermatology: “The Mind-Skin Connection:” mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

053: Frontal Lobe Damage: Treating Patients through Grief, Acceptance and Growth: mp3/article, quiz (1.25 CME units)

054: Suicide Epidemiology, Risk Factors, and Treatments: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

055: How to Pick a Good Therapist: mp3/article, quiz (0.75 CME units)

056: Is Elon Musk’s Neuralink A Science Fiction Horror Show or The Salvation of Humanity?: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

057: Why Lithium is a Great Option for Treating Bipolar, with Dr. Walter A. Brown: mp3/article, quiz (0.75 CME units)

058: Lithium Indications, Mechanism, Monitoring, & Side Effects: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

059: Which Foods are Good for Mental Health?: mp3/article, quiz (0.75 CME units)

060: Genetics and Environmental Factors in Suicide: mp3/article, quiz (0.75 CME units)

061: Deciding for Others: Involuntary Holds and Decision Making Capacity: mp3/article, quiz (1.25 CME units)

062: Therapeutic Alliance Part 5: Emotion: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

065: Is Social Media Good for Mental Health?: mp3/article, quiz (0.75 CME units)

066: The Fentanyl Epidemic: mp3/article, quiz (0.75 CME units)

067: Joker: mp3/article, quiz (1.75 CME units)

068: IQ: Predictability, Influences, Genes, Environment, & Trauma: mp3/article, quiz (2.0 CME units)

069: Therapeutic Alliance Part 6: Attachment Types and Application: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

070: The Interview & Therapeutic Alliance: Session 7 The Psychotic Patient: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

071: Valproic Acid: History, Mechanism, Treatment in Bipolar, Schizophrenia, Aggression and Side Effects with Dr. Cummings: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

072: How Much Violence Is Due To Mental Illness?: mp3/article, quiz (0.5 CME units)

073: Catatonia: Diagnosis and Treatment: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

074: The Unconscious: mp3/article, quiz (0.75 CME units)

075: Cancer: Depression, Anxiety, and Hypoactive Delirium - A Dive Into Psycho-Oncology: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

076: COVID-19: Dealing with Panic, Anxiety, Delirium, and Mental Health: mp3/article, quiz (0.5 CME units)

077: Getting Better Results from your Patients as a Psychotherapist: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

078: COVID-19 and the Brain: Delirium & Viral Encephalitis: mp3/article, quiz (0.75 CME units)

079: Courage to have the Tough Conversations in the COVID-19 Pandemic: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

080: Meaning and Decision Making in Times of Crisis: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

081: The Link Between Unemployment, Depression and Suicide in the COVID-19 Pandemic: mp3/article, quiz (0.75 CME units)

082: How Does Mental Pain, Meaning in Life & Locus of Control Influence Suicidality?: mp3/article, quiz (0.75 CME units)

083: Racism & Trauma: Discussion with Danielle Hairston M.D.: mp3/article, quiz (0.5 CME units)

084: Free Will In Psychiatry & Psychotherapy Part 1: mp3/article, quiz (1.5 CME units)

085: Free Will in Psychiatry & Psychotherapy Part 2: mp3/article, quiz (1.75 CME units))

086: Free Will in Psychiatry & Psychotherapy Part 3: mp3/article, quiz (1.5 CME units))

087: Disorganized Attachment: Fear without Solution: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

088: Disorganized Attachment: Fear Without Solution Part 2: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

089: How to Retire Happy with Dr. Osorio: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

090: The USMLE: How to Rock the USMLE Step 1 (or Any Big Test): mp3/article, quiz (1.75 CME units)

091: Nortriptyline and the Tricyclic Antidepressants: mp3/article, quiz (0.75 CME units)

092: The Big Five: Neuroticism Part 1: mp3/article, quiz (1.5 CME units)

093: Forensic Pedophilia with Dr. Cummings: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

094: Cuties and the Oversexualization of Children in Our Culture: mp3/article, quiz (1.25CME units)

095: The Big Five: Neuroticism Part 2: mp3/article, quiz (0.5 CME units)

096: The Best Exercise Program For Depression: mp3/article, quiz (1.5 CME units)

097: The Big Five Personality Traits: Conscientiousness Part 1: mp3/article, quiz (1.25 CME units)

098: The Big Five: Openness mp3/article, quiz (1.5 CME units)

099: The Big Five: Conscientiousness Part 2: mp3/article, quiz (1.5 CME units)

100: The Big Five: Agreeableness: mp3/article, quiz (1.75 CME units)

101: The Big Five: Extraversion: mp3/article, quiz (2.0 CME units)

102: Anticholinergic Burden: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

103: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy with Dr. Steven Hayes: mp3/article, quiz (1.75 CME units)

104: Psilocybin Therapy Part 1: History, Pop Culture, Safety and Side Effects, MDMA Studies, And Early Research: mp3/article, quiz (1.75 CME units)

105: Vulnerability and Imposter Syndrome with David Burns: mp3/article, quiz (1.5 CME units)

106: Psilocybin Therapy - Part 2: Clinical Trials, Secondary Effects, Brain Imaging, and the Future of Psilocybin Therapy: mp3/article, quiz (2.5 CME units)

107: Hero's Journey: Getting Rid of the Faulty Narratives: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

109: Duloxetine and the SNRIs Deep Dive Part 1 with Dr. Cummings: mp3/article, quiz (1.25 CME units)

110: The Hero’s Journey for the Mental Health Professional: mp3/article, quiz (1.25 CME units)

111: Akathisia: mp3/article, quiz (1.25 CME units)

112: Duloxetine and the SNRIs Deep Dive Part 2: mp3/article, quiz (0.75 CME units)

113: Book Club: Viktor Frankl’s “Man’s Search For Meaning”: mp3/article, quiz (1.5 CME units)

114: How To Identify A Female Psychopath: mp3/article, quiz (1.5 CME units)

115: Borderline Personality Disorder: History, Symptoms, Environment, Genetics & Brain Science: mp3/article, quiz (1.25 CME units)

116: Interview on Psychopathy with Expert Carl Bruce Gacono, Ph.D., ABAP: mp3/article, quiz (1.75 CME units)

117: Psychotic Disorders: Comorbidity Detection Improves Diagnosis, Treatment and Outcome with Expert Jeffrey Paul Kahn, MD: mp3/article, quiz (1.5 CME units)

118: Using Microexpressions To Improve Empathy, Therapeutic Alliance & Emotional Intelligence (Therapeutic Alliance Series Part 8): mp3/article, quiz (0.75 CME units)

119: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) mp3/article, quiz (1.25 CME units)

120: Book Club: Marcus Aurelius’ "Meditations:" mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

121: Britney Spears - Discussion with a Conservatorship Lawyer and Several Psychiatrists: mp3/article, quiz (1.25 CME units)

122: Alzheimer’s Dementia: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

123: Mass Shootings: An Interview with Criminologists Drs. Jillian Peterson and James Densley, the Argument for Data-Driven Nuance, and Steps for Prevention: mp3/article, quiz (1.5 CME units)

124: Commonly Prescribed Sleep Medications And Treatment for Insomnia: mp3/article, quiz (1.5 CME units)

125: Treating the VIP: Physicians and the Famous or Wealthy: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

126: Psychotherapy for Obsessive- Compulsive Disorder: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

127: Using Antipsychotic Plasma Levels- Therapeutic Threshold: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

128: Dostoevsky - Crime and Punishment: mp3/article, quiz (1.25 CME units)

129: Psychosis: Management of Complex Treatment-Resistant Psychotic Disorders: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

130: Borderline Personality Disorder: Psychotherapy Schema Therapy: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

131: Diet to Treat Depression and Anxiety: mp3/article, quiz (1.25 CME units)

132: Practical Psychopharmacology with Dr. Goldberg: mp3/article, quiz (1.75 CME units)

133: Blitzed: Nazi Germany, Hitler, Pervitin (Methamphetamine)- How Drugs Influenced World War 2: mp3/article, quiz (1.25 CME units)

134: The Strengths of Dyslexia: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

135: From Survive to Thrive with Margaret Chisolm, M.D.: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

136: Turn Autism Around with Dr. Mary Lynch Barbera: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

137: Ketamine Update with Brandon Kitay, M.D.: mp3/article, quiz (1.25 CME units)

138: Working with Spiritual Struggles in Psychotherapy: mp3/article, quiz (1.25 CME units)

139: Affective Neuroscience in Psychotherapy with Francis Stevens, Ph.D.: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

140: Borderline Personality Disorder: Common Factors In Effective Therapies With Dr. Robert Feinstein: mp3/article, quiz (1.25 CME units)

141: Psychopharmacology Mediators: mp3/article, quiz (1.5 CME units)

142: Exercise as a Drug for Mental Health and Longevity: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

143: Overdiagnosis of Schizophrenia in Black Patients: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

144: Psychodynamic Psychotherapy with Jonathan Shedler, Ph.D: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

145: How to Manage Aggression with Psychopharmacology in an Inpatient Setting: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

146: Moral Injury: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

147: PANS & PANDAS: mp3/article, quiz (1.5 CME units)

148: Karen Horney: Neurosis and Human Growth: mp3/article, quiz (1.25 CME units)

149: Connection Index: mp3/article, quiz (0.5 CME units)

150: Wishes and Fears - in Couples Therapy: Dan Wile and Dorothy Kaufmann: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

151: Dr. Robert Feinstein Learning Psychotherapy: mp3/article, quiz (0.75 CME units)

152: ECT Efficacy and Controversies with Dr. Cummings: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

153: Consciousness & Emotion with Mark Solms: mp3/article, quiz (1.5 CME units)

154: The Integration of Psychotherapy as a Treatment Modality: mp3/article, quiz (1.25 CME units)

155: Is Depression a Chemical Imbalance? mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

156: What Causes Mass Shootings In America? mp3/article, quiz (1.25 CME units)

157: Polypharmacy in Psychiatry: mp3/article, quiz (1.25 CME units)

158: Obesity and Weight Loss with Endocrinologist Rocio Salas-Whalen: mp3/article, quiz (0.75 CME units)

159: What Is Parental Alienation: mp3/article, quiz (1.25 CME units)

160: The Psychology Behind Catfishing: mp3/article, quiz (0.75 CME units)

161: The Encouraged Suicide of Conrad Roy by Michelle Carter: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

162: The Autism Wave with Dr. Cummings: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

163: Dr. Chris Palmer: Ketogenic Diet for Mental Health: mp3/article, quiz (1.5 CME units)

164: Listening Psychodynamically: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

165: Exercise for the Brain: mp3/article, quiz (0.75 CME units)

166: Identifying Malingering with Dr. Philip Resnick: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

167: Long-Acting Injectables with Dr. Cummings: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

168: Obsessive-compulsive Personality and the Personality Continuum with Dr. Shedler: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

169: Social Anxiety with Dr. Cummings: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

170: Using Transference To Improve Connection: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

171: Nancy McWilliams on Mental Health, Transference, and Dissociation: mp3/article, quiz (1.5 CME units)

172: Prisons in Ancient Mesopotamia with Nicholas Reid: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

173: Real Self-Care with Pooja Lakshmin, M.D.: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

174: “Serotonin Toxicity”, Otherwise known as Serotonin Syndrome: mp3/article, quiz (1.25 CME units)

175: Partial and Intensive Outpatient Program for Psychosomatic and Medical Illness: mp3/article, quiz (1.25 CME units)

176: Microdosing LSD & Psilocybin: The Future of Psychiatry or Placebo?: mp3/article, quiz (1.25 CME units)

177: How Anxiety Can Lead to Growth: mp3/article, quiz (1.25 CME units)

178: Red Face: Social Anxiety with Russell Norris: mp3/article, quiz (1.25 CME units)

179: Exercise & Mental Health 2023 Update: mp3/article, quiz (2.0 CME units)

180: Psychotherapy for Psychosis with Dr. Michael Garrett: mp3/article, quiz (1.5 CME units)

181: Alcohol Use Disorder with Dr. Cummings: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

182: Opioid Use Disorder with Dr. Cummings: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME units)

183: Xylazine, Methamphetamines, Bath Salts, and Spice with Dr. Cummings: mp3/article, quiz (1.5 CME units)

184: Pregnancy Planning for Patients Taking Psychiatric Medications or with a Mental Health History: mp3/article, quiz (1.25 CME units)

185: Narcissism with Jonathan Shedler: mp3/article, quiz (1.25 CME units)

186: Using Deliberate Practice to Improve Psychotherapy Results with Dr. Scott Miller: mp3/article, quiz (1.5 CME units)

187: Best Diet For Mood Update 2023: mp3/article, quiz (1.75 CME units)

188: Depersonalization and Derealization: mp3/article, quiz (1.5 CME units)

189: Non-Violent Communication with Matthew Lederman, MD: mp3/article, quiz (1.5 CME units)

190: Schizophrenia Treatment: Clozapine, LAIs, Technology and Equity with John Kane, MD and Lauren Hanna, MD: mp3/article, (quiz is being updated)(1.75 CME Units)

191: Body Dysmorphic Disorder: A Guide for Therapists and Mental Health Professionals with Dr. Katharine Phillips: mp3/article, quiz (1.25 CME Units)

192: Inpatient Child & Adolescent Psychiatry: Dr. Bender's Journey Through Curiosity and Connection: mp3/article, quiz (1.75 CME Units)

193: Buprenorphine and Opioid Use Disorder Management with Dr. Neal Christopher: mp3/article, quiz (1.5 CME Units)

194: Dr. Sue Johnson: Attunement, Attachment and the Development of Emotionally Focused Therapy: mp3/article, quiz (1.5 CME Units)

195: Dr. Robert Sapolsky: Baboons, Stress Research, Connection and Determinism: mp3/article, quiz (1.25 CME Units)

196: The Ordinary Effect: Resisting Conformity to Authority and Groups Through Values and Attachment-Based Psychotherapy: mp3/article, quiz (2.0 CME Units)

197: Sick Enough: Dr. Jennifer Gaudiani On Eating Disorders: mp3/article, quiz (1.5 CME Units)

198: Connection and Supervision in Medical Education: Exploring the Utility of the Connection Index in Postgraduate Psychiatry Training: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME Units)

199: Motivational Interviewing with William Miller: mp3/article, quiz (1.5 CME Units)

200 Episodes Later: A Journey Through Psychiatry with Dr. Puder: mp3/article, quiz (1.25 CME units)

201: Psychotic Depression with Dr. Cummings: mp3/article, quiz (1.25 CME Units)

202: Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) with Dr. Judith Beck: mp3/article, quiz (1.25 CME Units)

203: Adverse Childhood Experiences and Their Lasting Impact on Health: A Comprehensive Guide: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME Unit)

204: Adverse Childhood Experiences Part 2: Measurement, Impact on Future Mental Health, Dissociation, and Timing of Trauma: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME Unit)

205: Beginning the Treatment with Jonathan Shedler, PhD: mp3/article, quiz (1.25 CME Units)

206: Mentalization Based Therapy (MBT), with Dr. Anthony W. Bateman, MA, FRCPSYCH and Dr. Peter Fonagy, Ph.D., FBA: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME Unit)

207: 5 Factors and Domains of Psychiatric Care: mp3/article, quiz (1.75 CME Units)

208: What People Want From Therapy: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME Unit)

209: PTSD and Cognitive Processing Therapy with Patricia Resick: mp3/article, quiz (1.25 CME Units)

210: Q&A with Dr. Cummings: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME Unit)

211: Early Psychosis: Detection and Treatment: mp3/article, quiz (1.25 CME Units)

212: Bruce D Perry, MD, PhD on the Healing Power of Human Connection and Resilience in Trauma: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME Unit)

213: Reflective Functioning: The Key to Attachment with Dr. Howard Steele: mp3/article, quiz (1.5 CME Units)

214: Q&A with Dr. Cummings Part 2: mp3/article, quiz (1.25 CME Units)

215: Understanding Complex PTSD and Borderline Personality Disorder: mp3/article, quiz (1.25 CME Units)

216: Shrink Next Door: A Psychiatrist’s Analysis: mp3/article, quiz (1.25 CME Units)

217: Adverse Childhood Experiences - HPA axis & Brain changes: cortisol, amygdala, hippocampus, cytokines, & epigenetics (Part 3 of ACE series): mp3/article, quiz (1.5 CME Units)

218: Where Psychiatry Meets Politics: The Goldwater Rule: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME Unit)

219: Eating Disorders: Empathy, Alexithymia, Reflective Function: mp3/article, quiz (1.25 CME Units)

220: Writing to Overcome Trauma and Improve Your Mental and Physical Health: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME Unit)

221: Sauna & Heat Exposure’s Impact on Mental & Physical Health: mp3/article, quiz (1.5 CME Units)

222: Paul Wachtel's Approach to Integrative Psychotherapy: Exploring Attachment, Anxiety, and the Disavowed Self: mp3/article, quiz (1.5 CME Units)

223: Managing Weight Gain from Psychiatric Medications with Dr. Michael Cummings: mp3/article, quiz (1.25 CME Units)

224: Understanding Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) Medications & Treatment: mp3/article, quiz (1.25 CME Units)

225: Psychology and Inside Out 2: A Breakdown of Adolescent Emotional Lives: mp3/article, quiz (1.25 CME Units)

226: Burnout in Healthcare: How Depersonalization and Dissociation Manifest, and How to Overcome Them: mp3/article, quiz (1.0 CME Unit)

227: Pathological Narcissism: Effective Treatment with Mentalization-Based Therapy (MBT): mp3/article, quiz (1.75 CME Units)

228: Comprehensive Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Treatment Guide: Evidence-Based ERP Approaches and Best Practices for Clinicians: mp3/article, quiz (1.25 CME Units)

229: Beyond the Myths of Psychosis: Understanding, Acceptance, and Paths Forward: mp3/article, quiz (1.25 CME Units)

230: Exercise Compared to Medications or Therapy for Depression: mp3/article, quiz (1.75 CME Units)

231: Borderline Personality Disorder: Splitting & Identity Diffusion with Mark Ruffalo: mp3/article, quiz (1.75 CME Units)

232: Cold Exposure for Mental Health: mp3/article, quiz (1.5 CME Units)

233: Reframing “Goodbye” as a Transition: Guidance from Dr. Tarr: mp3/article (No CMe for this episode)

234: Transference Focused Psychotherapy, Borderline Personality Disorder, Narcissism, with Frank Yeomans, MD: mp3/article, quiz (2.0 CME Units)(Coming Soon)

235: The Serotonin Hypothesis: Controversies and Nuance with Awais Aftab, MD: mp3/article, quiz (1.25 CME Units) (Coming Soon)

*If you encounter any issues and need assistance, please email us. We will respond as soon as possible. You can reach Jonathan, our admin, at: You can access a step-by-step PDF for logging in and taking the quizzes below.

CME Log-in Instructions