PDF for tracking progress on episodes: here

Clinical Psychiatry

Adult Psychiatry

Episode 001: The Basics of the Psychiatric Interview

Episode 006: Sensorium Part 1: Total Brain Function Optimization

Episode 008: Schizophrenia with Dr. Cummings: Controversies, Brain Science, Crime, History,

Exercise, Successful Treatment

Episode 011: Sensorium Part 4: Medications, Drugs (THC, Alcohol), Medical Issues, Sleep, and

Free Will

Episode 013: Postpartum Depression with Dr. Pereau

Episode 014: Hormonal Contraceptives and Mental Health

Episode 019: How Psychiatric Medications work with Dr. Cummings

Episode 020: The History and use of Antipsychotics

Episode 024: The History, Mechanism and Use of Antidepressants

Episode 025: The History and Nuances of Bipolar Illness

Episode 031: Psychiatric Approach to Delirium with Dr. Timothy Lee

Episode 033: Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders

Episode 035: ADHD: Diagnosis, Symptoms &Treatment

Episode 037: How to treat violent and aggressive patients

Episode 039: Depression and Anxiety in Geriatric Patients

Episode 040: Reducing Inpatient Violence in a Psychiatric Hospital

Episode 046: Do I have Schizophrenia?

Episode 047: Schizophrenia, Differential Diagnosis & DSM5

Episode 048: The Unspeakable Mind – Stories of Trauma and Healing from the Frontline of

PTSD Science

Episode 049: Clozapine for Treatment Resistant Schizophrenia

Episode 051: An Inside Look At Eating Disorders: Anorexia, Bulimia, & Orthorexia

Episode 054: Suicide Epidemiology, Risk Factors, and Treatments

Episode 057: Why Lithium is a Great Option for Treating Bipolar, with Dr. Walter A. Brown

Episode 058: Lithium Indications, Mechanism, Monitoring, & Side Effects

Episode 060: Genetics and Environmental Factors in Suicide

Episode 061: Deciding for Others: Involuntary Holds and Decision Making Capacity

Episode 071: Valproic Acid: History, Mechanism, Treatment in Bipolar, Schizophrenia,

Aggression and Side Effects with Dr. Cummings

Episode 073: Catatonia: Diagnosis and Treatment

Episode 075: Cancer: Depression, Anxiety, And Hypoactive Delirium – A Dive Into Psycho-


Episode 091: Nortriptyline and the Tricyclic Antidepressants with Dr. Cummings

Episode 102: Anticholinergic Burden

Episode 108: Munchausen Syndrome, Factitious Disorder, Malingering, and Munchausen

Syndrome by Proxy

Episode 109: Duloxetine and the SNRIs Deep Dive Part 1 with Dr. Cummings

Episode 111: Akathisia

Episode 112: Duloxetine and the SNRIs Deep Dive Part 2

Episode 115: Borderline Personality Disorder: History, Symptoms, Environment, Genetics &

Brain Science

Episode 117: Psychotic Disorders: Comorbidity Detection Improves Diagnosis, Treatment, and

Outcome with Expert Jeffrey Paul Kahn, M.D.

Episode 119: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Episode 122: Alzheimer’s Dementia

Episode 124: Commonly Prescribed Sleep Medications and Treatment for Insomnia

Episode 127: Using Antipsychotic Plasma Levels – Therapeutic Threshold

Episode 129: Psychosis: Management of Complex Treatment-Resistant Psychotic Disorders

Episode 132: Practical Psychopharmacology with Dr. Goldberg

Episode 141: Psychopharmacology Mediators

Episode 145: How to Manage Aggression with Psychopharmacology in an Inpatient Setting

Episode 152: ECT Efficacy and Controversies with Dr. Cummings

Episode 157: Polypharmacy in Psychiatry

Episode 158: Obesity and Weight Loss with Endocrinologist Rocio Salas-Whalen

Episode 166: Identifying Malingering with Dr. Phillip Resnick

Episode 167: Long-Acting Injectables with Dr. Cummings

Episode 169: Social Anxiety with Dr. Cummings

Episode 174: “Serotonin Toxicity”, Otherwise known as Serotonin Syndrome

Episode 182: Opioid Use Disorder with Dr. Cummings

Episode 183: Xylazine, Methamphetamines, Bath Salts, and Spice with Dr. Cummings

Episode 184: Pregnancy Planning for Patients Taking Psychiatric Medications or with a Mental Health History

Episode 190: Schizophrenia Treatment: Clozapine, LAIs, Technology and Equity with John Kane, MD and Lauren Hanna, MD

Episode 193: Buprenorphine and Opioid Use Disorder Management with Dr. Neal Christopher

Episode 197: Sick Enough: Dr. Jennifer Gaudiani On Eating Disorders

Episode 198: Connection and Supervision in Medical Education: Exploring the Utility of the Connection Index in Postgraduate Psychiatry Training

Episode 201: Psychotic Depression with Dr. Cummings

Episode 207: 5 Factors and Domains of Psychiatric Care

Episode 210: Q&A with Dr. Michael Cummings

Episode 211: Early Psychosis: Detection and Treatment

Episode 214: Q&A with Dr. Cummings Part 2

Episode 215: Understanding Complex PTSD and Borderline Personality Disorder

Child Psychiatry

Episode 004: Inpatient Child and Adolescent Suicidality, “Culture of Death”, “13 Reasons


Episode 136: Turn Autism Around with Dr. Mary Lynch Barbera

Episode 147: PANS & PANDAS

Episode 162: The Autism Wave with Dr. Cummings

Episode 180: Psychotherapy for Psychosis with Dr. Michael Garrett

Episode 181: Alcohol Use Disorder with Dr. Cummings

Episode 192: Inpatient Child & Adolescent Psychiatry: Dr. Bender's Journey Through Curiosity and Connection


Episode 002: Cognitive Distortions and Practicing Truth

Episode 005: A Journey Learning Psychotherapy

Episode 021: How to Fix Emotional Detachment

Episode 026: Setting Boundaries in Relationships

Episode 027: How to Treat Emotional Trauma

Episode 028: Therapeutic Alliance Part 1

Episode 029: What is psychodynamic theory?

Episode 032: Therapeutic Alliance Part 2: Meaning and Viktor Frankl’s Logotherapy

Episode 036: Therapeutic Alliance Part 3: How Empathy Works and How to Improve It

Episode 041: Therapeutic Alliance Part 4: What is Transference and Countertransference?

Episode 043: How to Help Patients with Sexual Abuse

Episode 050: The Process of Grief

Episode 053: Frontal Lobe Damage: Treating Patients through Grief, Acceptance, and Growth

Episode 055: How to Pick a Good Therapist

Episode 062: Therapeutic Alliance Part 5: Emotion

Episode 069: Therapeutic Alliance Part 6: Attachment Types and Application

Episode 070: Connecting with the Psychotic Patient, Therapeutic Alliance Part 7

Episode 074: The Unconscious

Episode 077: Getting Better Results from your Patients as a Psychotherapist

Episode 082: How Does Mental Pain, Meaning in Life & Locus of Control Influence Suicidality

Episode 087: Disorganized Attachment: Fear without Solution

Episode 088: Disorganized Attachment: Fear Without Solution Part 2

Episode 103: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy with Dr. Steven Hayes

Episode 126: Psychotherapy for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Episode 130: Borderline Personality Disorder: Psychotherapy Schema Therapy

Episode 138: Working with Spiritual Struggles in Psychotherapy

Episode 140: Borderline Personality Disorder: Common Factors in Effective Therapies with Dr.

Robert Feinstein

Episode 144: Psychodynamic Psychotherapy with Jonathan Shedler, Ph.D.

Episode 146: Moral Injury

Episode 148: Karen Horney: Neurosis and Human Growth

Episode 150: Wishes and Fears – in Couples Therapy: Dan Wile and Dorothy Kaufmann

Episode 151: Dr. Robert Feinstein Learning Psychotherapy

Episode 154: The Integration of Psychotherapy as a Treatment Modality

Episode 159: What is Parental Alienation?

Episode 164: Listening Psychodynamically

Episode 168: Obsessive-compulsive Personality and the Personality Continuum with Dr.


Episode 171: Nancy McWilliams on Mental Health, Transference and Dissociation

Episode 175: Partial and Intensive Outpatient Program for Psychosomatic and Medical Illness

Episode 177: How Anxiety Can Lead to Growth

Episode 178: Red Face: Social Anxiety with Russell Norris

Episode 185: Narcissism with Jonathan Shedler

Episode 186: Using Deliberate Practice to Improve Psychotherapy Results with Dr. Scott Miller

Episode 188: Depersonalization and Derealization

Episode 189: Non-Violent Communication with Matthew Lederman, MD

Episode 191: Body Dysmorphic Disorder: A Guide for Therapists and Mental Health Professionals with Dr. Katharine Phillips

Episode 194: Dr. Sue Johnson: Attunement, Attachment and the Development of Emotionally Focused Therapy

Episode 195: Dr. Robert Sapolsky: Baboons, Stress Research, Connection and Determinism

Episode 196: The Ordinary Effect: Resisting Conformity to Authority and Groups Through Values and Attachment-Based Psychotherapy

Episode 199: Motivational Interviewing with William Miller

Episode 202: Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) with Dr. Judith Beck

Episode 203: Adverse Childhood Experiences and Their Lasting Impact on Health: A Comprehensive Guide

Episode 204: Adverse Childhood Experiences Part 2: Measurement, Impact on Future Mental Health, Dissociation, and Timing of Trauma

Episode 205: Beginning Treatment with Jonathan Shedler, PhD

Episode 206: Mentalization Based Therapy (MBT), with Dr. Anthony W. Bateman, MA, FRCPSYCH and Dr. Peter Fonagy, Ph.D., FBA

Episode 208: What People Want From Therapy

Episode 209: PTSD and Cognitive Processing Therapy with Patricia Resick

Episode 212: Bruce Perry on the Healing Power of Human Connection and Resilience in Trauma

Episode 213: Reflective Functioning: The Key to Attachment with Dr. Howard Steele


Forensic Psychiatry

Episode 003: Psychopathy with Michael A. Cummings M.D.

Episode 038: The Dark Triad (Psychopathy, Narcissism, Machiavellianism), sexually violent

predators, Ted Bundy, and porn

Episode 072: How Much Violence is Due to Mental Illness?

Episode 093: Forensic Pedophilia

Episode 094: Cuties and the Oversexualization of Children in Our Culture

Episode 114: How To Identify A Female Psychopath

Episode 116: Interview on Psychopathy with Expert Carl Bruce Gacono, Ph.D., ABAP

Episode 123: Mass Shootings: An Interview with Criminologists Drs. Jillian Peterson and James

Densley, the Argument for Data-Driven Nuance, and Steps for Prevention

Episode 156: What Causes Mass Shooting in America?

Book Club

Episode 113: Book Club: Viktor Frankl’s “Man’s Search For Meaning”

Episode 120: Book Club: Marcus Aurelius’ “Meditations”

Episode 128: Dostoevsky – Crime and Punishment

Episode 133: Blitzed: Nazi Germany, Hitler, Pervitin (Methamphetamine)- How Drugs

Influenced World War 2

Big 5 Personality Traits

Episode 092: The Big Five: Neuroticism Part 1

Episode 095: The Big Five: Neuroticism Part 2

Episode 097: The Big Five Personality Traits: Conscientiousness Part 1

Episode 098: The Big Five: Openness

Episode 099: The Big Five: Conscientiousness Part 2

Episode 100: The Big Five: Agreeableness

Episode 101: The Big Five: Extraversion


Episode 015: Microexpressions to Make Microconnections Part 1

Episode 016: Microexpressions: Fear, Surprise, Disgust, Empathy, and Creating Connection

Part 2

Episode 017: Microexpressions in Psychotherapy Part 3

Episode 118: Using Microexpressions To Improve Empathy, Therapeutic Alliance & Emotional

Intelligence (Therapeutic Alliance Series Part 8)

Popular Culture

Episode 045: Schizophrenia in Film and History

Episode 067: Joker: An In Depth Character Analysis

Episode 121: Britney Spears – Discussion with a Conservatorship Lawyer and Several


Episode 161: The Encouraged Suicide of Conrad Roy by Michelle Carter

Diet and Exercise

Episode 009: Diet Optimization for Cognitive Function and Brain Optimization

Episode 010: Sensorium Part 3: Exercise as a Prescription for Depression, Anxiety, Chronic

Stress (like Diabetes) and Sensorium

Episode 012: Performance Enhancement with Dr. MaryEllen Eller

Episode 018: Prescribing Strength Training for Depression

Episode 059: Which Foods are Good for Mental Health?

Episode 096: The Best Exercise Program for Depression

Episode 131: Diet to Treat Depression and Anxiety

Episode 142: Exercise as a Drug for Mental Health and Longevity

Episode 163: Dr. Chris Palmer: Ketogenic Diet for Mental Health

Episode 165: Exercise for the Brain

Episode 179: Exercise & Mental Health 2023 Update

Episode 187: Best Diet For Mood Update 2023


Episode 023: Emotional Shutdown – Understanding Polyvagal Theory

Episode 056: Is Elon Musk’s Neuralink a Science Fiction Horror Show or the Salvation of


Episode 139: Affective Neuroscience in Psychotherapy with Francis Stevens, Ph.D.

Episode 153: Consciousness & Emotion with Mark Solms

Ketamine and Psychedelics

Episode 030: Ketamine and Psychedelics with Dr. Michael Cummings

Episode 104: Psilocybin Therapy Part 1: History, Pop Culture, Safety and Side Effects, MDMA

Studies, and Early Research

Episode 106: Psilocybin Therapy – Part 2: Clinical Trials, Secondary Effects, Brain Imaging,

and the Future of Psilocybin Therapy

Episode 137: Ketamine Update with Brandon Kitay, M.D.

Episode 176: Microdosing LSD & Psilocybin: The Future of Psychiatry or Placebo?


Episode 076: COVID-19: Dealing with Panic, Anxiety, Delirium, and Mental Health

Episode 078: COVID-19 and the Brain: Delirium & Viral Encephalitis

Episode 079: Courage to have the Tough Conversations in the COVID-19 Pandemic

Episode 080: Meaning and Decision Making in times of Crisis

Episode 081: The Link Between Unemployment, Depression and Suicide in the COVID-19


COVID Increasing Suicidality


Episode 083: Racism & Trauma: Discussion with Danielle Hairston M.D.

Episode 143: Overdiagnosis of Schizophrenia in Black Patients

Helping the Mental Health Professional

Episode 007: Physicians Receiving Treatment, with Dr. Trenkle

Episode 028.5: Advice for Medical Students applying to Psychiatric Residency with Dr.

Timothy Lee

Episode 063: Interviewing Well For Psychiatry Residency & Beyond

Episode 090: How to Rock the USMLE Step 1 (or Any Big Test)

Episode 105: Vulnerability and Imposter Syndrome with David Burns

Episode 107: Hero’s Journey: Getting Rid of the Faulty Narratives

Episode 110: The Hero’s Journey for the Mental Health Professional

Episode 173: Real Self-Care with Pooja Lakshmin, M.D.

Social Media and Mental Health

Episode 065: Is Social Media Good for Mental Health

Episode 160: The Psychology Behind Catfishing

Substance Use

Episode 044: Marijuana and Mental Health

Episode 064: Does Cannabis Use Increase Schizophrenia and Psychosis?

Episode 066: Fentanyl: The Next Phase in the Opiate Epidemic


Episode 022: The Psychology of Procrastination

Episode 034: Understanding Placebo

Episode 042: The Science Behind Forgiveness and How it Affects Our Mental Health

Episode 052: An Introduction to Psychodermatology: “The Mind-Skin Connection”

Episode 068: IQ: Predictability, Influences, Genes, Environment, & Trauma

Episode 084: Free Will in Psychiatry & Psychotherapy Part 1

Episode 085: Free Will in Psychiatry & Psychotherapy Part 2

Episode 086: Free Will in Psychiatry & Psychotherapy Part 3

Episode 089: How to Retire Happy with Dr. Osorio

Episode 125: Treating the VIP: Physicians and the Famous or Wealthy

Episode 134: The Strengths of Dyslexia

Episode 135: From Survive to Thrive with Margaret Chisolm, M.D.

Episode 149: Connection Index

Episode 155: Is Depression a Chemical Imbalance?

Episode 172: Prisons in Ancient Mesopotamia with Nicholas Reid

Episode 200: 200 Episodes Later: A Journey Through Psychiatry Podcasting with Dr. Puder

Categorized List of Psychiatry & Psychotherapy Podcast Episodes