How to Get started with Strength Training

So basically there are:

  • 3 sets of 5 reps, the basic 4 exercises

  • Squatting three times per week, going up 5 lb each time

  • Deadlift every other day, going up 10 lb each time 1 set of 5

  • Bench and Press alternating every other workout going up 5 lb each time, doing 3 sets of 5

Step 2 / Don’t Do it Alone

  • Find a partner to do it with you.  I can’t tell you how important this is to do. Find someone to join you, show up at your home gym 3x per week or go to the gym with you 3 times per week.

Step 3 / Learn More

Step 4 / Join the Community

Step 5 / Go to a Starting Strength Gym or Get an Online Coach (This may be your first step as well)